There are several ways to find flights on Flightradar24. You can search by flight number, aircraft registration, or by call sign. You can also use other methods like checking the map or viewing the airport departure/arrival board info. We cover these options in more detail below.

Search by a flight number, aircraft registration, or call sign

To do this, visit our website or app and use the search bar at the top of the screen. Enter the flight number, aircraft registration, or call sign and select what you want to check from the provided options. You can view the airline or aircraft info, follow the live flight (if it's airborne at that moment), or see recent or scheduled flights.

Search for data from the Data page

You can also find flights by using our Data page. Enter the details you know about the flight and select the flight from the provided options. By using this option, you can search for an airport, flight route, aircraft, and flight.

Find flights on the map

If the flight you’re interested in is live and you know its approximate location, you can also find the flight directly on our map. Just move to the approximate area and select flights from the map. You might not pick the right flight right away but this is also an easy and simple way to find your flight.

Find flights from airport arrival/departure boards

To locate your flight, you can also use the airport arrival/departure boards. Navigate to the airport of your interest and click either “Arrivals” or “Departures”. Then scroll through the list and click your flight. From there you can check aircraft info, flight info, playback, and show the flight on map (if it's live).