Flightradar24 website
Filters are now synced across both the app and the web. This means you can access all your filters no matter where you use Flightradar24.
IMPORTANT: Due to significant changes in how filters function, existing filters in the app will not be retained. However, any filters previously created on will now be accessible in the app.
Make sure to visit this blog article to get started with the new filters in the app:
GOOD TO KNOW: When creating custom filters, you can easily set up your filter and then swipe down the filter panel to see the results right away without saving your new filter, the same way as before the update. See the screenshots below.
Syncing of filters: Filters themselves are always saved on the server, which means that if you create a filter on the website, it will appear in the app too, and vice versa. However, the state of the filter is always saved locally, which means that if the filter is enabled on the website, it won't be enabled when you log in to the app, and vice versa. The only way the filter remains enabled is if it is turned on on the website and then you log into the website on another device. This works for both category and custom filters.
Setting up a custom filter: When setting a custom filter, make sure all Category options are enabled. Otherwise, not all aircraft types might be displayed when applying the custom filter.
Flightradar24 website
We’ve made huge improvements to Filters lately. Now you can choose between ready-made filter categories or you can create your own custom filters. Our categories include Passenger, Cargo, Military and Government, Business jets, and many more pre-made filters. To access them from our website, you should click the Filters button at the bottom of the screen. Then you can select between Categories and Custom tabs.
To learn more about each filter category, you can hover over the “?” icon and a description will be displayed.
The filters can also be combined easily by enabling or disabling the needed options. Just check or uncheck the filters to do this. See our screenshot below.
To create a new filter, go to the Custom tab and select the type of filter you wish to add (Airline, Aircraft, Airport, Route, or Advanced)
When applying filters on the map, it's possible to still show all other aircraft faded. You can enable/disable this by using the button on the right-hand side of your screen.
To learn more about filters, feel free to also check this blog post.
If you notice any aircraft that doesn't belong in the assigned filter category or isn't included where it should be, please report it by emailing [email protected].
Changes regarding wildcard search
Former wildcard filters from the old website (for example, all German aircraft by filtering the aircraft registrations with “D-”) will no longer work with new filters. To achieve the same result, you should add an asterisk after the search term (D-*, for example).